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I'm getting sick of this life

Sad but true. This is not how I wanted my life to shape up.


Anonymous said…
Happy the man,and happy he alone, He,who can call today his own; He who,secure within,can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,for I have lived today
Anonymous said…
Kya kasht hai tumko, hum jan na chahte hain?
Deepanjan said…
Happy the man,and happy he alone,
He,who can call a hottie his own;
He who,secure within,can say,
Villian do thy worst,for I have hooked up today.
Vivek said…
The quarter life crisis catches up with Deepanjan at last.
Vivek said…
I get this feeling that you're missing a girl in your life .... is that so?
Deepanjan said…
Not really, though I wouldn't mind feminine company! It's just that I'm increasingly realizing that life's all messed up.
Anonymous said…
and just for fun, would u mind naming one person whose life is NOT all messed up.
Deepanjan said…
I can answer that, but wouldn't like to be contradicted.
Vivek said…
Or, you wanna have your cake & it eat too.
Deepanjan said…
Isn't that fair enough?
By the way,have u guys tried Gmail of late? Its embedded chat system is great! .
Vivek said…
Dude, we got work to do. Your blog is about the only thing we can spare time for, kya bolta hai Sittu?
Anonymous said…
thats right Rob. And still this guy is not writing anything worthwhile to read
Deepanjan said…
Pay me...and see the next Naipaul!
Anonymous said…
I feel tht way too about my life..especially these days! :s Oh well i think humans are only good at complaining so might as well..
Nice verse u got going there Deep!
Deepanjan said…
It's really an embarrassment, J!
Anonymous said…
Its fine till life gets sick of U...don't worry baby,will play the little lost train game together if we can manage sometime!....we are all queued up.You just gott'a turn back n see..ha ha!

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