When you can type faster than you can think, stop blogging. Frankly speaking, things are very dismal. I’m lost and I just don’t know if a revival is anywhere in sight. Career-wise, I’m a boat without a sail. I don’t know where I’m headed or if I should be headed anywhere at all. My daily routine has been shrink-wrapped into just that…a shrunk daily routine. I’m taking life too casually without a tad of bother. There’ll be some quick changes. My non-productive hours (facilitated mostly by the browser) on Andromeda will be reduced drastically while the daily nonsense that goes into my blog will also be mostly curtailed. Of course, the usual humbug like how many bulls my stinking socks could stun, weather I could aim my p** into the ‘hole’ and spotting an old and short guy wearing something oversized as if in hopes of still growing to occupy the surplus space, will continue to make its way into my blog; but the free run has almost certainly come to an end for the rest of the year. T
Happy the man,and happy he alone, He,who can call today his own; He who,secure within,can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,for I have lived today.