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Showing posts from August, 2007

Guru Calls

Gurdas called up late night, masquerading as a telecaller from HSBC! The tone was too funny and I realized someone was playing a prank...and hung up. The bugger called up again and asked me for a wild guess. I refused and coaxed for his identity, which was subsequently revealed. What a relief! I'm entrusted with compiling and sending him an Mp3 CD to initiate him into finer music from the West. Surd has been smitten by an SOS I had sent to our school mailing-list, asking for help in downloading 2 Randolph tracks. I'm yet to receive any. Guru lamented the plummeting quality of my blog, thus seconding what many others have already expressed. I agree. I wish I could be in the right frame of mind to upgrade the quality. I guess that'll have to wait awhile.

Someone out there snooping?

I commented yesterday about the price difference between the 17" and 15" DELL Inspiron laptops being a staggering 14K, other specifications being exactly the same. Someone @ DELL India perhaps went through my blog! The price of the Inspiron 1520 has now been hiked by 4.5K on account of the NVIDIA GeForce GPU...which was previously provided free of cost. What's more, the Inspiron 1720 now costs reasonably less. The conflict deepens! At stake is my sanity. Perhaps it's time for the 1420 to come to my rescue!