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Showing posts from November, 2019

Domain crash course

I bought my 2nd domain only a few days ago. I've been using it heavily to learn all about DNS. I must say I've greatly demystified how they work. I've even gone deeper and understood how the Nginx Web Server uses domains and subdomains to act as a reverse proxy. A CNAME (Masking) TXT MX Masking 301 302 HTTP to HTTPS redirection TTL SSH SSL 80 22 443 Path Forwarding Dynamic and Static IP Dynamic DNS Port Forwarding Azure VMs Azure App Services Azure Functions I understand them better now.

The end of an era

I remember how excited I was when I bought my first domain ( in 2007. It was like owning a priceless property on the Internet. I renewed my domain in 2013 for 10yrs. The asking price from GoDaddy was good and I had no complaints with the way they had handled my domain.  But the prices for GoDaddy domains began to skyrocket alarmingly and this attracted a lot of bad press for them. The premium they charged seemed exorbitant and they didn't even offer user privacy protection for free. Google had by then jumped into the fray. Like all of their other products, Google Domains was simple, elegant and user-friendly. They also threw in free user privacy. All this coaxed me into making the switch from GoDaddy to Google today. I was a bit jittery because I use G Suite to handle my domain email addresses and I didn't want anything to mess things up. Thankfully, the transfer was smooth and most the DNS records now appeared within Google...except for my subdomains. As a...


I decided to make the switch to https on Blogger yesterday. I was getting tired of Google constantly complaining about the lack of SSL certificate. They should have made the documentation a little clearer though.
It seems Google, the blogging world and I have effectively forgotten all about Blogger! Blogosphere is all about Wordpress now. I'm wondering if people have abandoned Blogger because of Google's neglect or Google has abandoned Blogger because of people's neglect. Either way, Blogger has seen better days. I hate to see good code languishing in some forgotten alcove of an abandoned server.