My beloved office shuttle has been replaced by a new one that’s really a pain. The seats are 2*3, very firm, non-reclining and the fronts have a very unergonomic ‘bump’ that's immensely uncomfortable. The bus has very poor suspension and the windows aren’t tinted.
Though my interest in life has considerably dwindled on account of this change, there’s still a visual feast that continues to linger while enduring the commute. The cynosure happens to be two female co-passengers. The first is a stunningly curvaceous redhead with a fantastic dressing sense. She should be walking the ramp in Paris instead of writing code in an unassuming cubicle! The second is a diminutive kid who seems straight out of school. Someone should adopt the cutie pie and put her through junior college!
Monsoon has made a revelation: my recently-bought umbrella has an atlas-&-axis defect. Each time it’s pressed into service, it keeps collapsing every 5 minutes.
Why have I chosen the strange title for this post? 33 (my shuttle number) seemed very boring and oft-repeated, and I though of beating around the bush! Here’s something interesting: any 6-digit number whose first-3 and last-3 digits are identical can be divided perfectly by 7, 11 and 13 (in any sequence) to arrive at the 3 digits again. Why? Because 7*11*13=1001. And, ABCABC/1001=ABC.