The day may gradually slip into irrelevance, but it's significant nevertheless. Earth has steadfastly stayed on course and completed 3 revolutions around the Sun since I joined the present company. Kudos, Earth! I celebrated the momentous occasion by surreptitiously devouring 4 chocolate bars. If sharing is caring, I prefer being careless!
Today also confirmed a suspicion I always had: not all 34" are the same size, some are really 36" or even 38". Thanks to my newly altered jeans making me look anorexic, I'll now buy trousers only after trying them.
Form 16 was resent to my inbox after a high-voltage mail exhorted the hastening.
Shuttle #33 witnessed a miracle during the return trip: the AC was turned on for the first time since I started using the bus in April-2007! I couldn't believe my good fortune as the AC roared into life at the outset. I allowed a steady stream of cool air to pamper me till my destination.
'Mr.Roving Eyes' was hell-bent upon digging my grave today. This weapon of massive distraction assaulted me with a battery of questions so silly, I wished to issue a restraining order forbidding him not to stray within a radius of 200 meters from me. My desire not to be contemptuous stopped me from retorting: the less you see, the more you think you’ve seen it all.