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Stephen Hawking asks...& I answer!

How can the human race survive the next hundred years?
In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?

The power of construction is greater than the power of destruction. Had the reverse been true, the Universe would have never come into existence. I think the same idea holds true for mankind as well. Also, had the Big Bang resulted in a homogenous Space & Time…planets, stars, galaxies and comets would have never become a reality. So it’s variance from absolute uniformity that makes existence of so many beautiful things possible.

Extrapolate the same notions and you’ll have your answer. Difference of opinion (political, philosophical or personal) is necessary to let us gradually pick & choose the best, violent though the process may be! Supernovae are violent but they leave behind beautiful nebulae!

If every kind of particle must have an associated antiparticle, could the brilliance of Science be so conspicuous without the stupidity of pseudo-sciences? We need to be wrong sometimes just to assert and appreciate the right. Humans are nothing but offsprings of the same laws of Nature that govern the rest of our Universe. All the chaos surrounding this wonderful creature is nothing but an assertion of the same laws.

We will survive the next 100 years, though we’ll be hard at work trying self-annihilation.

Science doesn't need the distraction or even existence of pseudo-sciences to assert itself. Some of the analogies I've drawn will gradually lose relevance. Though my visibility is very limited, here's my guess of what lies beyond 100 years:

  • Religion will gradually lose relevance and be triumphed upon.
  • Wisdom & knowledge will permeate through all of society.
  • National borders will dilute.
  • Death will be conquered. Nanotechnology, Cryonics & Eugenics will contribute to it.
  • The institution of marriage will wither away.
  • We will come across other forms of life as we begin to explore outer space.
  • Vitual Reality will allow people to live their fantasies. Reality will find serious competition.
  • The Net will be as fundamental a thing as water.

Well, the list is endless and I won't continue with the enumeration. After all, I could be completely wrong!


Anonymous said…
where there is a beggining there is an end ,universe would 1 day end ,
mankind first will perish ,
there will be polluted , radioactive earth , uninhabitable .
evolution process will begin once again .
theres always the possibility of
future generation migrating to some other planet , gaining their citizenship .
thats way beyond in future .
saurabh said…
people should understand that they dont have to hit enter after reaching the end of line in the text box provided for comments. Text Box, by default, provide this facility of wrapping when you reach the end of a line.

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