Dear Buddy,
This is my first message to you.Though you're too young to read it, I hope one day you will.
Today was rather special because we got you photographed! I was under the impression that we were still a few days off from getting you snapped, until your mom clarified. She was actually rather bummed this morning because I was slightly sluggish in getting out of bed. But once I left my lethargy behind, sprang out of bed, dashed to the bathroom, did my stuff and got ready to accompany her to the hospital, she forgave me. Being on the wrong side of her affection isn't a pleasant experience, let me assure you!
This is the first of my many messages to you before you arrive to brave the world. We eagerly await you.
Happy the man,and happy he alone, He,who can call today his own; He who,secure within,can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,for I have lived today.