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Evernote Vs. OneNote

On the desktop, you can’t beat OneNote - it’s just perfect.

On my Android, it’s a very different story. The product is so buggy, it’s almost unusable. Even a task as simple as signing in seems Herculean and I have lost count of the number of attempts I made before successfully getting through. My case was no exception. The Internet abuzz with similar rants.

To make matters worse, the product is huge and refuses to be installed anywhere else but the internal memory. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. And here’s the final blow: even after you wade through all the challenges, OneNote for Android often fails to sync. WTF!!!

I tried reestablishing some faith in Microsoft’s capabilities by installing the product once again on my phone after previously uninstalling it. It was the same old story- their servers were unavailable for syncing. After multiple attempts, I gave up and uninstalled.

Maybe a future version will address these nagging issues.

Evernote, on the other hand, works flawlessly on my desktop, web and mobile. I’m sticking to it for now.


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