So it didn't take us long to discover each other. In fact, we were just into our early days in Fergusson when we got acquainted. I guess it was our mutual likeness that brought and kept us together.
Parting ways was very tough. We had similar aspirations but chose different trajectories. We met abject failure initially but finally gained some success. Mrig slightly altered course midway and went on to study in NID, Ahmedabad. We lost track of each other soon. I got to know much later through a mutual friend that he was now part of the IIT, Guwahati faculty! I tried to access the faculty list but guess what, the Department of Design's page was defunct! So near and yet so far.
I tried my luck again today...and this time it worked! There he was, looking as droopy as ever! Sent him a mail. I just hope he replies soon.