The local park isn’t far from home and is often a welcome respite from the sedentary life we live. The park has a children’s corner that’s well availed by the kids in the vicinity.
Ari is too young for most of the facilities, but a specially crafted swing has gained a near-complete hold over him. Pulling the two apart is a heart-wrenching exercise. After today’s mesmerising swings, Ari was in no mood to go home and the tantrums he threw attained epic proportions. Luckily, Asha was well equipped to handle the situation. We let the kid lie on the ground and cry his heart aloud while we calmly waited for his rage to ebb. It worked like magic.
Happy the man,and happy he alone, He,who can call today his own; He who,secure within,can say, Tomorrow do thy worst,for I have lived today.